Getting to Action
How to Stop Procrastination and Achieve Your Goals


New Book Reveals: The Hidden Reasons for Your Procrastination, the Strategies to Overcome It and the Ways to Start Achieving Your Goals

This easy-to-read guide will show you how to start taking actions toward your goals by providing a step-by-step action plan to overcome your procrastination. It lays out a process that helps you to probe into the hidden issues that keep you from fulfilling your life-long dreams.

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This Book Will Help You to...

  • Discover the Hidden Reasons for Your Procrastination

    Probe into the hidden issues and reveal the causes that have initiated a pattern of behaviour in you that keeps you from fulfilling your life-long dreams.

  • Confront the Barriers That Are Holding You Back

    Overcome the obstacles, fears, and limiting beliefs that are blocking you from taking decisive action. Regain your pride in your talents and capabilities.

  • Establish the Action Habit with a Step-By-Step Process

    Using some practical tools, retrace your way back to your dreams and start taking action to fulfill your goals. Transform your life into what you want it to be.


The Companion Workbook of the Book


A 73-page long companion workbook complements the book and is indispensable for those who are serious about getting rid of their procrastination.
It helps you to probe deeper into your personal issues to discover your inner truths. It then helps you to establish strategies for overcoming your procrastination and instilling the constructive habit of taking action. The Workbook contains exercises and practices for every chapter in the book and a set of 7 templates to help complete some of the more detailed exercises. The workbook is free for a limited time, during the book launch period.

Excerpt from the Introduction

Quoteation-Marks_START The best time to make a change is the moment it becomes clear that a change is necessary. It is also the easiest time because the more a needed change is delayed, the more insurmountable it becomes. If half-heartedness is to be changed into enthusiasm, frustration into fulfilment, or failure into success, then change in attitude, perception, and behaviour is in order.

The surest way to jeopardize success is procrastination. It can throw you off track and gradually dampen your drive and motivation. It can diminish your effectiveness and frustrate your potential. Your productivity can even reach a near-zero point. Your achievements will then be a thin representation of what you are capable of. Procrastination can further hurt your physical and emotional health and keep you in a constant stressful state because of your inability to actualize your personal aspirations and dreams of becoming a person of significance.

It can even kill whatever self-confidence you have left and drive you deeper into debilitating self-doubt.

I believe that major personal weaknesses can be addressed positively to become great personal successes, and that a problem can be intelligently transformed into a blessing. The deepest weakness, drawback, incapacity, or fear that we have can often be the very resource for our success, becoming the signpost that points our way to fulfilment. Each of us has a major question to find the answer to, an issue to find a solution for, and that issue is at the core of our being. Though we sometimes hide them from others, we are very aware of the constant nagging problems that demand resolution for our lives to be fulfilling.

Procrastination is just such a weakness, hampering one’s potential for success. But once tackled and controlled, it can open up the path to fulfilment and actualization of one’s true potentiality. Quoteation-Marks_END

Reading this book will show you that it is possible to change your habit of procrastination. You will discover that you have within yourself the answers to your problem. With the unearthing of the real cause of your lack of motivation and procrastination, you can design your own journey back to
your inner rhythm of focused activity.

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